Sunday, July 19, 2009

Summer time fun

Avery loving the pool. I just love this face.
More splashes! She likes to do that a lot.
"My girls" Aka: College friends
Avery driving the car
She liked to steer
Oh the child with a thousand faces
Her watching the kids play with the dog
Avery with Great Grandma Seal
Roan my nephew
Maeve my niece.

This weekend we attended a 30th birthday party for my college friend Natalie. We also had a family function at Wes' cousin's house. Avery had a blast both days. She went in the kiddie pool as well as the big pool. Here are just a few of the cute ones we got.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Fourth of July/ 10 months

Avery is 10 months old today! She is crawling everywhere, pulling herself up on everything. She is now waving too. I had to work on the holiday so we just went to a bbq for an hour before I went to work, thus we didn't bring the camera. We did however take a few pics in her fourth of July hat. No fireworks this year, maybe next year I will be off of work and she will be able to stay awake long enough to watch them.