Wednesday, August 5, 2009

11 months/Beach Day

Such a lady when she eats :) JK
Getting used to the water.
The anticipation of the wave coming.
She loved this part.
Trying to steal a cookie from poor Tess. She did end up getting it, but don't worry I didn't let her eat it.
She looks scared or something...maybe it it from my whiteness.
Playing on the blankets.
Tess, I just loved this one.
Maeve, she is so cute.

Today Avery is 11 months old. I can't believe she is already going to be one in just a few short weeks. On Monday we went to the beach, which she has been to before, but she went in the water for the first time. We went with my sister-in-law and her sister and had a great time. Avery was such a trooper during the 50 minute drive. We went to Carpinteria Beach instead of our usual spots and it was well worth the extra few minutes. We will be going back for sure soon. We are getting ready to plan her big day and are having fun doing it. She is sooooo mobile now and destroys everything. Still no walking but she walks all along the furniture. Miss you all.


Vanessa said...

That little girl melts my heart! She is just so cute! I love her facial expressions! It looks like she really liked the water. I miss her sooooo much and of course, you too!!! Love you!!!!

Cathy said...

Avery is a bathing beauty! I can't believe she's almost one.