Thursday, February 25, 2010

Bathtub talk

This is from a few weeks ago, she was talking so much until I got the camera. The first 30 sec. are pretty quiet, but then she starts to talk more. I also posted another video below this and one on "The Expressions of Avery" blog. Enjoy!


Vanessa said...

Aw, those were really cute videos, Reese! She is such a cutie petutie!

Pappa Mier said...

Way to precious sweetheart! I miss y'all sooooo much!!! My little girl is growing so fast!!!

Cathy said...

I can't see the video, it says to try back again later. So I will! =)

Cathy said...

Ok NOW it works. Avery is so cute, I love her doggy sounds! She is very smart. Baths are a lot of fun, Oliver could stay in there all day if I let him.