Thursday, July 5, 2012

The 4th of July

For the fourth of July this year we did our traditional going to a bbq at my sister-in-law's mom's house.  She lives right near the fire works which makes it so nice.  There are a ton of kids there so of course my kids have a blast.  Such fun memories.  I was a little afraid that Kinley might be scared, but she loved the fireworks and clapped for each one of them.  She kept pointing and talking.  It has been two years since Avery has seen fireworks, so she was def. in awe as well.  So fun.  
Playing in the playroom


Eating with daddy on the blanket

Trying our best to get a good pic of us

Our precious girl


Most of the kids in there red,white and blue

Glow sticks!

Daddy and Kinley watching  before the fireworks

Watching the fireworks

Kinley excited for them

Avery in awe


Vanessa said...

Oh my goodness, those dresses are adorable!! Where did you get them? Glad you had a good 4th of July!

Pappa Mier said...

I'm so proud of the way my beautiful daughters have put these Blogs and just precious moments in time of my beautiful children and grandchildren. These pics melt my heart. So miss you all.