Saturday, May 23, 2009

Texas to visit family

Avery's first swim in a pool (She kind of liked it)
Me, My dad and his grandkids at the Alamo
Pakki and Avery at the River Walk
Avery playing dress-up 
Julien insisted on feeding Avery her bottle, it was so cute

Avery loved my sister's jumpy thing, I just love that smile.
More dress up
I can't figure out how to get this one off, so you get to see it twice.  Oh well, it is so cute.  
Jonah also playing dress-up
Julien too!
We just had the best visit in Texas.  Avery took her first swim, we went to the Alamo, River Walk, the park, etc.  I hadn't seen my sister or my nephews for a year and a half, so this visit was long overdue.  We can't wait to go back soon.  She did very well during the traveling.  On the flight there she made friends with the flight attendant and she walked her around the plane to meet the rest of the passengers.  It was really cute.  She got a million complements about how cute she was.  She just loved it.  She was a bit fussy at times due to lack of sleep from the time change, otherwise she was great.  My nephews were sooooo in love with her and would constantly try and entertain her.  She loved them too.  On the trip she got a second tooth and also was practicing her crawling quite a bit (no dog or hardwood in the way).  Anyways, we had a great time, and she was happy to come home and see her daddy.  


Anne said...

Love it! Looks like you had a wonderful trip. How did your husband do with the two of you away?

Serenity said...

Oh my! She makes a cute cowgirl! :) Glad you got to visit your family!! That is SO great!