Saturday, October 31, 2009


Avery touching the insides of the pumpkin....gross
There she goes
The finished product. In memory of Stripes... and because Avery loves cats.
Avery and Paki, so sweet
The fam.
There's my kangaroo
My favorite pic!
Avery and our neighbors, Ella and Abby
Trick or treating
Her screaming in excitement.

We had a great Halloween. Wes and Avery carved a pumpkin in the afternoon. Then our neighbors came over to enjoy some dinner with us. We then went trick or treating ( a whole 3 houses). Finally we made a quick stop over at our friends John and Katie's house. Avery was just precious, but tired by the end of the night. So sweet.


Vanessa said...

Your updates aren't showing up on my dashboard... I read on FB that you updated your blog.

ANYWAY, miss Avery can ALWAYS put a smile on my face! She is so cute! Pretty much the cutest costume I have ever seen!!! I love the baby in the pouch! Oh my goodness! Thanks for posting these! I'll talk to you tonight or tomorrow, (duh)! Love you guys!!!

Vanessa said...

Sorry, just me again:). I had to stop by again to see my little Kangaroo! She is way too cute! I don't know if I can wait 3 months to see you guys....wayyy too long!

Cathy said...

I LOVE Avery's costume, she is the most adorable kangaroo that I have ever seen! I'm glad you guys had a good Halloween.