Friday, October 15, 2010

New Ultrasound pics/11 weeks

This is the baby looking directly at us.
Resting comfortably in the womb.

Since the last post was not the best ultrasound picture I thought I would put up a couple of new ones. So far I have had three ultrasounds because I have had some bleeding and then they saw something they were concerned with. Everything has since resolved and the baby is looking great. The baby is just really low and so is my placenta. At this point I have placenta previa but this diagnosis is not official until the 28th week. So at this point the placenta still has plenty of time to move and my Dr. is sure it will. Other than that I have had a hard week with nausea, mostly in the afternoon, but the last two days have been better. I am just so happy that the baby is looking good. So it is all worth it, just ready for that part to be behind me. I haven't taken any new pics of Avery lately so I will just update you via script.

Avery update : So she discovered how to get out of her crib (we had been dreading this day). It is really hard for her to resist, but she is learning that we are not messing around when we mean it is time for bed. She is probably ready for a big girl bed, but we want to wait a few more months for that. She is talking like crazy. Today I was putting away laundry in her room and told her, "Avery I am putting away laundry in your room." She promptly answered me, "Ok, mom, I am eating some cereal." It is just so funny to hear that come from her. Now she speaks in sentences a lot, but this was just funny to me (maybe you had to be there). She loves it when Wes and I are in the room or outside when she is playing. She always says, "C'mon mommy/daddy." It is so sweet. Anyways, she is kind of getting the fact that there is a baby in mommy's tummy, but I am sure she will get it more once my tummy gets a lot bigger. Anyways, I am sure the next pics will be from the next ultrasound (the 25th) or from Halloween. Until then......And no, I have no clue still what she is going to be. :)


Vanessa said...

This post just shows how long it's been since I've talked to you! Why? I was thinking today how we used to talk every day when I was pregnant and now it's maybe once a week! Sorry! I had no idea you were having these pregnancy issues. I will be praying for you and baby. Do you still think it's a boy? I can't wait! And Avery is sooo cute! i can't believe how much she is talking. Have her call me soon and talk to me. Post some pics soon! And she will be cute no matter what she dresses up as! Miss you guys so much! Love you.

Cathy said...

I'm glad that everything is okay, that must be beyond scary to have pregnancy problems. Thank God you and the baby are all right. And you are almost in the second trimester, that will be a big relief! I hear that the nausea is supposed to be better by then.

Avery is funny, I like how she tells you what she is doing too.