Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween and pumpkin painting

Avery's pumpkin painting

The kids from small group, and the littles on the floor
Kinley, my little sweetpea
Ladybug :)
Both girls
Avery, the butterfly

Some of the neighborhood kids
trick or treating
Our Rapunzel pumpkin
Our candy corn cookie, so yummy!!

We did our 2nd annual pumpkin painting with my small group girls. It was really special because we haven't been able to meet much due to changing life circumstances (moving, preschool etc). The older girls could all paint there own pumpkins this year and had a great time doing it while enjoying some yummy pumpkin bread.

On Halloween we went to my friend Nicole's house (in our neighborhood) for some soup and cornbread, treats and trick-or-treating. The kids had so much fun and Avery declared, "Mommy, I LOVE trick-or-treating." Well, that doesn't surprise me since she LOVES candy, not sure where she got that from :) Kinley slept most of the time in the carrier. I can't believe by next Halloween she will be running around with the others. Wow, time really does fly. Overall, we had a great holiday and are excited for the holiday season to be here. I wish it wasn't going to be such a light Christmas for giving, but the most important thing is that I get to be off ALL of Christmas this year!!! I have only been off one out of the last 10 Christmas'. Anyways, enjoy the pics.
Also, a quick Kinley update: She now loves her food, YAH! She went for a weight check this past week and she is up to 12 pounds 10 ounces and will be 7 months this week. He didn't plot her out because he didn't have time, but he was happy with the weight gain and so was I. I started to put some formula in her rice cereal just to give her a boost in the calories and to try and prevent her from getting a bottle after nursing. So for now she is still nursing. Everyday feels like a small victory for me. I am appreciating and so thankful for everyday that I get to nurse her.

1 comment:

Cathy said...

Your girls are so beautiful! I'm glad that Kinley is gaining weight, that must be scary. Good job Mom! :) Also, congrats on having Christmas off, that is awesome.