Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Kinley's first birthday/One year stats

I can't believe it already came and went, Kinley's first birthday.  It really does seem like last week that I was not sure if I was in labor and a few hours later our sweet little girl arrived.  Over the past year, she has brought us so much joy and fun to our family.  Kinley is now standing, walking along furniture, starting to talk, crawling everywhere and just a ball of fun.  She is still so little, but we love it.  Some of her nicknames are:  Kins, Lie-lie, Di-Di, Muffin Top, Peanut, Pocket Baby, Honey Roasted Peanut and so many more.  What can I say, my kids have a million names when they are little.  Her one year stats are as follows:
Height: 27.5 inches (10th percentile)
Weight:  16 pounds 11 ounces (3rd percentile)  
We celebrated her big day with a party with friends and family at the park.  The day before it was the storm of the year and rained, thunder and lightening the day before.  We were not sure if it was still going to go on, but it did!  It was a bit chilly and windy, but NOT raining!  We served Panera bread, donuts. muffins, fruit, and yogurt for breakfast.  Everybody liked the idea and it gave us a chance to celebrate without having a tired baby.  She wasn't that into her cake, but she did love the attention.  She is generally a shy girl, until she is ready to open up, but enjoyed her big day a lot.  We love you so much, our sweet girl.  

Avery, my silly girl

My favorite one of the day

Kinley and her cousins

Looking at all 60 people who came to celebrate with her.

Our little family minus Avery

We had breakfast for the party, it was a hit

Assessing the cake

Finally trying it

Having fun with the cake

Our sweetheart

For the take home gift we gave cake pops since it was morning.  Here are some of the girls enjoying them later in the day.  

I love this. 

Just the best of friends


Vanessa said...

I just can't handle the cuteness in this post. And how I wish we were there. I'm dying to kiss those sweet baby cheeks of hers! Cute cute family! Glad the party worked out! What great supporters you guys have!

Cathy said...

That was a great idea to have a breakfast party! Very smart. I'm going to have to steal it if we have a third baby one day. :) I wish we couldn't have been there. Your girls are so sweet and beautiful!

Cathy said...

Could've been there not couldn't! Stupid auto correct. :)